Blog 2
This week we were tasked with watching a TED talk: “My Web Playroom” and reading a short article from Justin Jackson. While watching the TED talk, I enjoyed that music was integrated into it. It also was interesting that he was able to use one persons idea and connect thousands of others to work on that same idea! The short article also brought this up, how by just using words and the internet, we are able to reach people from all over the world.
In the current times, using the internet to communicate has become more important than ever. With the global pandemic still looming over our everyday lives, we use the internet to connect with friends and family. While technology has come a long way, I think there is still more to be discovered. I think it would be super cool to have a program similar to the VR within Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. People would be able to congregate safely in avirtual space with no physical limitations. You would be able to attend classes, visit friends and family, and go to concerts in the comfort and safety of your own home.