Corporate Identity — The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
So for our first assignment, we were asked to find some things that we liked and disliked.
Just ask any of my friends when we go literally ANYWHERE (Bonus points if you ask my non-design friends lmao)

Prophecy Wine. This was something that Mecca and I saw while browsing through everything at Giant Eagle. The designs for these wine labels are some of the most unique and interesting styles I have seen. If you go to Giant Eagle and find it you will see it very much so stands out among every other bottle. The colors are similar to the wine inside the bottle which helps it to make a connection, and the type is consistent through each bottle, giving it continuity.

This packaging by a Behance user is absolutely stunning. The color palette has a nice mixture of bright to dull colors which makes the packaging visually interesting. If you took the text away, you would still be able to gather that this is a beauty product due to the face on the packaging. The white space makes it more visually interesting as it combines and adds to the piece versus removing quality.

Once again found on Behance, this branding for Nounos Creamery is simplistic and well put together. The light blue accent is seen on the foil lid, and the use of different types helps to enhance the design. The colors and use of pictures is done well and in a way that people would notice it on a shelf.
All of these examples are from my hometown.

Cream ’n Sugar. THE best place to get coffee is in my hometown, and they even serve Penn State Creamery Ice Cream. However, that doesn’t distract from the logo. While the logo LOOKS well put together, my main gripe with it is the fact that whoever designed this mostly disregarded the use of grids and anchor points. I even attached an image of the grids for reference. I feel like they could’ve done so much more with this.

The Tea Room is another amazing place to get sweets and a good meal. My biggest issue with this one is the random swirl behind the lettering. It isn’t needed, it could be removed (I did so for your viewing pleasure). The text itself wouldn’t be too bad if things were lined up differently.
Lastly, Olgas is a gallery/cafe/bistro (aren’t cafes and bistros similar? I dunno). This one isn’t terrible. The colors on her name and the typeface are done interestingly. However, the one problem I do have with it is the type with all three things. I feel like it needs to be lined up at the end of the A so that it would be more sucessful.